新鮮出爐互動影片 Interactive Videos are out now!

 答問題測試理解能力 Answer questions to test your comprehension


50 interactive videos in Jyutman levels 1-3 are out today! Each video contains diverse types of questions—Multiple choice, true or false, fill in the blanks etc. You will answer questions while listening to the story to test your comprehension. There are also grammar notes and cultural introductions. Either for self-study or guided learning by Cantonese teachers or parents, interactive videos are lesson materials ready for all to use.

即刻開始課堂 Start Lessons NOW

特別鳴謝Miss Kini幫手撰寫題目 Special Thanks to Miss Kini

多謝Miss Kini幫手撰寫互動影片嘅內容。尤其係當中嘅文法解說,係集合Miss Kini嘅專業知識同教學經驗得出嘅內容。
Great thanks to Miss Kini for developing the content of the videos. Especially the grammar notes, which are precious resources from her professional knowledge and teaching experiences.

推廣閱讀 Recommended Blogpost:Miss Kini-學習廣東話的好幫手

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