
節目重溫 Program Catchup


冚唪唥嘅Co-Founder Viveik Saigal 聯同合作伙伴 Integrated Brilliant Education 嘅Co-Founder Manoj Dhar,接受 RTHK Radio 3 NoreenMir 嘅訪問,討論冚唪唥粵文同IBEL嘅觀點同提倡嘅方案,可以點樣更切合本港非華語學生嘅中文學習處境。

We’re talking about learning Cantonese for students from non-Chinese-speaking families. We’re joined at 1.30 by Viveik Saigal, the co-founder of HamBaangLaang, which is a community initiative that explores Hong Kong, Cantonese and Asian cultures by storytelling and activities in Cantonese; and Manoj Dhar, the Co-founder and CEO of Integrated Brilliant Education, a local charity that aims to educate and empower students from underprivileged non-Chinese speaking (NCS) communities.

節目重溫 Program Catchup



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